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Club Information

 All the info anyone should need to know about the club can be found on this page. However, if you still have questions feel free to ask one of the Club Presidents.

 Who's In charge and what they do

Katrina Grey
All things club fight related, all things website related, joint contests with other clubs, event announcing, strike messages for missing club fights, overall strike count, general announcing and a few behind the scenes things
In charge of all things relating to needing time away from the game. As well as recruitment, and announcing
 Club mentor, fight attendance taker, club tip messages, club rule reminders, and general announcing
Monthly Contest photo handler, Monthly Contest vote page creator, Monthly Contest winner photos, and general announcing

Club Fights

-Club fights happen once a week, they are scheduled at the start of a new game day on Saturday. (Game is runs in CET) 

-There will always be just over 24 hours allotted to sign up for a fight. 

-If you need additional help with understanding when fights happen, please let Katrina Grey know.

-There will also always be a message sent out to everyone's club inbox sent by the President or a Vice President letting everyone know a club fight is up

-You DO NOT need to be online at the time of the fight only signed up for a fight by that point.

Vacations / Time Away From the Game

-If you need to leave for a vacation or just need some time away from the game it is completely understandable we just ask that you send a message a few days in advance telling Eliza that you will be leaving on a vacation, then if you know the dates of when you will be leaving and when you will get back include that also even if it is just a estimant. When you return please send Eliza a message saying that you are back.

How the Strike System Works

-The clubs disciplinary system runs on a 3 strikes your out system (like American baseball) which means if your earn yourself 3 strikes before a "Strike Reset"  period you will be removed from the club. (More Info about reset periods in the next box)

-Strikes can be received for failing to sign up for a club fight, failing to keep up with donations, or for acting up in either club chat or in other chats.

-If you receive a strike of any kind you will get a message from a President of the club letting you know you have received one, what it is for, and how many you currently have.

Strike Reset Periods

- Strike Reset Periods happen in the club once every 2 months, and on Strike Reset Periods all strikes received will be whipped from record.
- Strike Resets happen on the following same days every year:  
February 1st

April 1st

June 1st

August 1st

October 1st

December 1st

Monthly  Contest

- Monthly Contest take place once a month, and are hosted by Candy from the club "The Hydras." We particiapte alongside the amazing members from the clubs The Hydras, JJF, Stilettos & Lace, MERMAIDS, and REVOLUTION Agema.

How do they work?

- Once a month a theme is chosen and all who wish to participate have 2 weeks to create an outfit they feel fits the theme. After you have created your look take a photo of your look and be sure to keep it in your gallery until after a winner has been announced (if you delete your look the link to your outfit is gone and unretrievable). To submit your look go to the link posted by Falaya in her annoucement of the contest, or the group chat the link is also posted there, or tell Falaya / Candy from The Hydras and they will submit your look for you. Once the 2 week time frame for look creation is up a voting link will be announced and 3 winners will be chosen. Any winners from our club will get their photo added to our club contest winners tab here on our website.

Donation Protocol

- Since we are a club with maxed club skills we do not have any donation requirements. That being said we still welcome emerald and diamond donations if you are feeling generous since we do still use those funds for  other things like buying buffs for club fights or for activating Club Talents.
- Please keep your IN GAME CASH we have an excess of cash and we would rather you keep it to work on your own popularity stats.

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